Wednesday, 28 December 2011

She Sells Sea Shells on the Sea Shore

Another 'mini' that is for a project on its way (watch this space) but others may want to use for a multitude of things.

Using DK yarn and 2.5mm needles....

For the larger shell...
Cast on 21
row 1 - knit
row 2 - P1 [K3, P1] repeat to end
row 3 - K1 [P3, K1] repeat to end
row 4 - P1 [K3, P1] repeat to end
row 5 - K1 [sl1p, P1, PSSO, P1, K1] repeat to end
row 6 - P1 [K2, P1] repeat to end
row 7 - K1 [sl1p, P1, PSSO, K1] repeat to end
row 8 - P1 [K1, P1] repeat to end
row 9 - K1, [K2TOG] repeat to end
row 10 - P1, slip 4 onto cable needle
wrap yarn around the 4 stitches on cable needle counter clockwise three times
slip back onto needle and P1
row 11 - knit
row 12 - P1, M1P, purl, M1P, P1
row 13 - [K2, KFB] repeat to end, while casting off

For the smaller shell...
Cast on 13
row 1 - knit
row 2 - P1 [K2, P1] repeat to end
row 3 - K1 [P2TOG, K1] repeat to end
row 4 - P1 [K1, P1] repeat to end
row 5 - K1, SSK, sl1, K2TOG, PSSO, K2TOG, K1
row 6 - P1, sl1, P2TOG, PSSO, P1
wrap yarn around the 3 stitches on needle counter clockwise twice
row 7 - K1, KFB, K1
row 8 - P2, M1P, P2 while casting off

Now as your most likely use for these is applique, then don't bother weaving in the ends but use them to sew onto whatever they are going on.


  1. Beautiful, just looked at your Tree Tea Cozy, which these would be great on, for the cold beach evenings.

  2. can you post a pattern for crocheting your shell? your work is so adoreable im putting your star fish on my bathroom you.
