
This is more of a "what" rather than a "how to"....
I try to use standard acronyms/symbols but they often vary in different reference places so just to make it simpler I've listed the ones I use here.

| K# knit # of stitches
P# purl # of stitches
/ K2TOG knit two together (decreases with a right hand slant)
\ SSK slip two stitches then knit those two together using right hand needle (decreases with a left hand slant)
% P2TOG purl two together (decreases with a right hand slant)
SSP slip two stitches then purl those two together using right hand needle (decreases with a left hand slant)
^ SKP slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over (decreases with a left hand slant)
/|\ S2KP slip two, knit one, pass slipped stitches over (decreases with a left hand slant)
PSSO pass [often slipped] stitch over (decreases with a left hand slant)
V KFB knit front and back (increase)
V PFB or M1p purl front and back (increase)
M1L lifted strand increase to the left (increase)
M1R lifted strand increase to the right (increase)
ο YO yarn over
CO cast off
drop stitch
tfl through the front loop
tbl through the back loop
c2f * slip one stitch onto cable needle, hold at front, K1, then K1 from cable needle
c2b * slip one stitch onto cable needle, hold at back, K1, then K1 from cable needle
c2fp * slip one stitch onto cable needle, hold at front, P1, then K1 from cable needle
c2fb * slip one stitch onto cable needle, hold at back, K1, then P1 from cable needle
* the number represents the number of stitches involved in the cable, so when c2 it is putting half that (1) onto the cable needle, so that the 2 stitches cross over. If it is c4 then you would put 2 stitches (half the 4) onto the cable needle crossing 4 stitches in total
sl slip stitch onto needle without knitting
W&T wrap and turn (used in short rows) is often good for the "how to"