Using 3.5mm needles and DK wool and a bit of ribbon...
Cast on 53
row 1 - P19, K15, P19
row 2 - K19, P15, K19
row 3 - P19, c2fp, K11, c2bp, P19
row 4 - K20, P13, K20
row 5 - P20, c2fp, K9, c2bp, k20
row 6 - K21, P11, K21
row 7 - P21, K11, P21
repeat rows 6 & 7 two times
row 12 - K21, P11, K21
row 13 - P20, c2b(k), K9, c2f(k), P20
row 14 - K20, P13, K20
row 15 - P17, K19, P17
row 16 - K15, P23, K15
row 17 - P9, K35, P9
row 18 - K8, P7, K5, c2bp, P9, c2fp, K5, P7, K8
row 19 - P5, K4, P1, K4, P7, K11, P7, K4, P1, K4, P5
row 20 - K4, P4, K2, P4, K7, P11, K7, P4, K2, P4, K4
row 21 - P3, K2, P5, c2b, c2f, P7, K11, P7, c2b, c2f, P5, K2, P3
row 22 - K3, P1, K6, P4, K7, P11, K7, P4, K6, P1, K3
row 23 - P3, KFB, P6, K4, P7, K11, P7, K4, P6, KFB, P3
row 24 - K3, M1, M1, K6, c2f(p), c2b(p), K7, P11, K7, c2f(p), c2b(p), K6, M1, M1, K3
row 25 - P3, K4, P6, K4, P7, K11, P7, K4, P6, K4, P3
row 26 - K3, SSP, P2TOG, K6, P4, K7, P11, K7, P4, K6, SSP, P2TOG, K3
row 27 - P3, K2TOGtbl, P6, c2b(k), c2f(k), P7, K11, P7, c2b(k), c2f(k), P6, K2TOGtfl, P3
row 28 - K21, P11, K21
row 29 - P21, K11, P21
row 30 - K21, P11, K21
row 31 - P22, K1, P1, K5, P1, K1, P22
row 32 - K14, [P1, K1] thirteen times, K13
row 33 - P13, [K1, P1] fourteen times, P13
row 34 - K9, [P1, K1] eighteen times, K8
row 35 - P10, [K1, P1] seventeen times, P9
row 36 - K8, [P1, K1] nineteen times, K7
row 37 - P7, [K1, P1] twenty times, P6
row 38 - K5, [P1, K1] twenty two times, K5
row 39 - P4, [K1, P1] twenty three times, P3
row 40 - K4 [P1, K1] twenty three times, K3
row 41 - P3 [K1, P1] twenty four times, P2
row 42 - K3 [P1, K1] twenty four times, K2
row 43 - [K1, P1] to end
row 44 - [P1, K1] to end
row 45 - [P1, K1] to end
row 46 - [K1, P1] to end
repeat rows 43-46 twice (double check glasses will fit in, if not keep going here)
row 55 - K1 [YO, K2TOG] to end
row 56 - knit
row 57 - knit and cast off
Chart downloadable in PDF form.
Sew french knots into owl eyes, and duplicate stitch beak. Sew up mattress stitch down the side and along bottom, making sure the Right Side (tree trunk stockinette) is facing out. Thread ribbon through eye-lets and protect your sunnies.
Patterns I love that helped give me some inspiration to put this pattern together include:
- My Knitting Basket Owl Cup Cosy
- Charlotte Nash Knits and Spins iPod Cosy

Ghanks for putting this pattern online. I've been looking for days and this is the only pattern that isn't too simple, boring or ugly. Very cute and a bit of a challenge. Perfect!