Use an aran wool about 10 ply (I used Rico Designs Poem however you may want to use one that isn't handwash only) and 4.5mm needles. You will also need two short ribbons.
Cast on 48 (makes 6 diamonds of 8 stitches each)
row 1 - [K3, c2b, K3] rep to end
row 2 - [P3, sl2, P3] rep to end
row 3 - [K2, c2b, c2f, K2] rep to end
row 4 - [P2, sl1, P2, sl1, P2] rep to end
row 5 - [K1, c2b, K2, c2f, K1] rep to end
row 6 - [P1, sl1, P4, sl1, P1] rep to end
row 7 - [c2b, K4, c2f] rep to end
row 8 - [sl1, P6, sl1] rep to end
row 9 - K7, [c2f, K6] rep 3 more times, K1
row 10 - sl1, YO, P2TOG, P4, sl1, [sl1, P6, sl1] rep 3 more times, sl1, P4, P2TOG, YO, sl1 (1st button holes)
row 11 - [c2f, K4, c2b] rep to end
row 12 - [P1, sl1, P4, sl1, P1] rep to end
row 13 - [K1, c2f, K2, c2b, K1] rep to end
row 14 - [P2, sl1, P2, sl1, P2] rep to end
row 15 - [K2, c2f, c2b, K2] rep to end
row 16 - [P3, sl2, P3] rep to end
row 17 - K2, sl1, PSSO, c2b, K3, [K3, c2b, K3] rep 3 more times, K3, c2b, K2TOG, K1
row 18 - P2, sl2, P3, [P3, sl2, P3] rep 3 more times, P3, sl2, P2
row 19 - K1, sl1, PSSO, c2f, K2, [K2, c2b, c2f, K2] rep 3 more times, K2, c2b, K2TOG, K1
row 20 - P1, sl1, P1, sl1, P2, [P2, sl1, P2, sl1, P2] rep 3 more times, P2, sl1, P1, sl1, P1
row 21 - K1, sl1, PSSO, c2f, K1, [K1, c2b, K2, c2f, K1] rep 3 more times, K1, c2b, K2TOG, K1
row 22 - P3, sl1, P1, [P1, sl1, P4, sl1, P1] rep 3 more times, P1, sl1, P3
row 24 - K1, YO, K2TOG, c2f, [c2b, K4, c2f] rep 3 more times, c2b, K2TOG, YO, K1 (2nd button holes)
row 25 - casting off as you go... P4, sl1 [sl1, P6, sl1] rep 3 more times, sl1, P4
Use the cast on tail to join the base with four mattress stitches (or however many it takes to get to base of handle). Weave in the end at the top. Thread ribbon through the button holes and tie in a bow to secure on jug.
I got my jug from a local potter at Yandles 303 Gallery, but it should fit most 350ml milk jugs, you may just need to tweak the mattress stitch join, height of button holes to fit the handle (swap two purls for YO, P2TOG at the beginning and end of the row), and you may also need to mattress stitch at the top of the handle.
that pitcher is gorgeous and the yarn compliments it so well